After 25 Years, We'd Like To Introduce Ourselves....
It’s taken us 25 years to commit to writing a blog. Maybe that’s an exaggeration, as 25 years ago we didn’t have smart phones... did we have phones? The world was very different then. The idea of a business plan was foreign to me (as in, I didn’t know what it was). I didn’t think in terms of a brand... I wasn’t planning on this being my future. It was quite literally a means to an end. I didn’t want to wait tables anymore. I could design and paint. I had a friend who said let’s do this and we did. It’s funny how life hits you in the head and suddenly you need money, the partnership ends (another blog) and you are IN IT!!
About this time I had a client who said, “You should meet my friend!". I agreed, but honestly, didn’t know how I would pay for the help I so desperately needed. That friend was Hilary Romaine, who is patiently guiding us all now. She walked in the door and I immediately loved her, but I really had no idea how we would make this work. All I knew has unfortunately not changed much because what I am, for the most part, is just a force that goes forward...

At this point, the story changes from an "I" to a "We"... I do not have children, but with every person that joined our crew, (Connie, Courtney, Christie, Mkayel, Tatiana, Ruth, Merlin, Roger, Adam, Alfredo 1 & 2 etc..) our fates were sealed and our journey began….all the while, with my partner in crime, Jonathan Fineman, at my side, through all the thicks and thins, dog rescues, endless painting and schlepping help over the years….I remain forever grateful….

We painted furniture we found on the sidewalk for years….We have dealt with death, birth, divorce, alcoholism, a band and our own record label (again, à future blog) and here we are...

Almost 25 years later, with the most unthought of plan ever, we are not just surviving, we are thriving. We are embracing our creative spirits, with most of the old faces and some fresh new additions. I think this is the part where we show our work and projects? We know for sure the laughter will continue. We (this means Hilary) will try to take Sunday’s and tell you all about it, (if she promises me wine I will help)... It may help you through your journey, or it might just make you laugh (possibly directly at us)....